Being a mum of three children and trying to care for other family members too can be hectic at the best of times. Over the last few months, there have been times when it has felt like running the Sturman & Co. studio is the easy part of my life. Through keeping our projects going, I’ve relished the opportunity to have adult conversations with our clients, to share our lockdown experiences together with humour and to feel some sense of normal life carrying on regardless during this difficult time.
There have been many precious moments at home too - I will forever feel nostalgic for the sunshine of May 2020 and I don’t think I’ve ever felt a greater sense of family than now. I have discovered beauty in local places I never knew about before and have watched the seasons change with awe. But, inevitably, there have also been many times when I’ve been driven crazy by the thankless household routine, homeschooling (oh my), bickering kids etc.
But, when keeping projects on track and setting enough time aside to be creative has been a real challenge, as you may know from my instagram posts, I have a well-worn trick up my sleeve.
Yes, it’s the trusty tub. Grab yourself a cup of tea and a book and settle down in this wonderful part of the home, with a lock on the door! Take a moment to breathe, to be grateful and most importantly, take time for you. You’ll feel more prepared to take on anything that the day throws at you when you emerge. And you’ll smell amazing.
It’s easier said than done, but don’t feel shame for stealing some alone time. We are all only human and we must care for ourselves… even if it is by hiding in our bathrooms.